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At Anchored Soul Bible Church, Ardmore, we are a local church with a simple and straightforward approach to 'doing church'. We sing, pray, and preach the Word of God. Our focus is on Jesus Christ - crucified, risen, and coming again. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and bring hope to the hopeless. Join us as we grow in our faith and walk with God together.


  • We believe that the Holy Scriptures are inspired by God and constitute the one perfect rule for our Christian faith and practice.


  • There is one God who exists in three Persons: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


  • The LORD God who as the Creator of all things visible and invisible, has created us in His image, and who as the Governor of the world rules our life according to His counsel and will. 


  • We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; The Lord Jesus Christ in His person is true God and true man. He was crucified, buried, and rose from the grave. Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father, and Christ will return to the Earth.   


  • Justification is God's gracious and full acquittal of sinners who believe in Christ, from all sin, through the satisfaction that Christ has made; justification is by grace through faith in Christ alone.  


  • Election is God’s gracious decree to save sinners unto communion and everlasting life; by His mere mercy in Christ, He regenerates, sanctifies, and saves sinners; it is perfectly consistent with the free agency of man, and the prerogative of God's good pleasure and for His glory. 


  • Christ’s believers are a holy and sanctified people, and that sanctification is a spiritual grace of the New Covenant; out of love for Christ, and result of the new birth, the regenerated believer will endeavor to be in joyful obedience to all the commands of Christ for His Church. 



  • Christ’s believers are in faithful sojourn in which there is a continual holy warfare against sin, self, worldliness, and the spirit of antichrist; Christ's Church has been, and will be exposed to divers afflictions, tribulations, and persecutions; but by Grace and faithful perseverance, Christ blood bought, believing people shall continue until Christ comes in His Kingdom, being predestined and appointed thereunto; and whatsoever the saints encounter do so in joy and for God’s glory. 


  • Christ has here on earth a spiritual Kingdom, which is the Church, which He has purchased and redeemed to Himself, as a particular inheritance; The Church is made up of  visible  congregations of professing,  baptized believers.  Christ’s Church will endure by grace throughout this age, and enjoy everlasting communion with the Triune God in the age to come. 


At Anchored Soul we gather together to worship God, to be under the ministry of His Word, and fellowship in brotherly camaraderie.


We intentionally do not "rock out", we don't have a "drama ministry", nor any non-biblical, non-essential elements in our worship services.


We hold to what can be considered a "biblically prescriptive" order of service. Meaning, we are loosely Regulative Worship Principle (RWP), however we are not rigid nor cold nor sterile in our gatherings.   


We currently meet at Faith Southern Baptist Church, Dickson OK, on Sunday afternoons at 4:00pm. 


Wednesday evenings we meet at the Pastor's family house in Ardmore at 6:30pm.  

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